Conversei com Cosmopolitan Brasil sobre "Entre Irmãs." I spoke with Cosmo Brasil about my book, "Entre Irmãs." Check out the article here.
Conversa com Bial
Today I spoke with Brazil's Dan Rather/ David Letterman. See the video below!
Fotos do Lançamento de Entre Irmãs
Eu nunca pensei que um dia meu livro seria um filme. Mas fico muito contente que minha obra possa inspirar outras obras. É o elogio mais sincero que podemos receber. Estou compartilhando algumas fotos da semana muito especial que passei no Rio, Recife e São Paulo para a estréia do filme e o novo lançamento do livro.
I never expected my book to become a film, but I'm very happy that my work can inspire other artists in other genres. Here are some photos from the film's primiere in Recife and some press events in São Paulo.
Assista minha entrevista com Globo News Literatura!
Assista o trailer de "Entre Irmãs"!
Assista ao trailer oficial de "Entre Irmãs", do premiado diretor Breno Silveira e baseado no meu livro, "Entre Irmãs" (originalmente publicado com título A Costureira e o Cangaceiro.") Muita emoção! O livro será lançado novamente pela Editora Arqueiro. Watch the trailer for the film based on my novel, premiering in Brazil on October 12, 2017!
ENTRE IRMÃS nos cinemas e em livrarias dia 12 de outubro!
Tá chegando! ENTRE IRMÃS nos cinemas, e o livro ENTRE IRMÃS nas livrarias em outubro 2017. It's here, the official movie poster for "The Seamstress," renamed "Between Sisters" premiering in Brasil in October 2017 as a film, and later as a miniseries with Rede Globo. The book will also be re-launched in Portuguese with the new title, ENTRE IRMÃS.
Check out Project Heirloom!
For the past few months, photographer Elaine Melko and I have collaborated on a project we're finally ready to share. Project Heirloom profiles American families through pictures and interviews. We document each family's journey and their ideas of what it means to be American. We ask them to bring objects that have been passed down in their families through generations, and photograph their children holding or wearing these objects. Then we interview each family, asking the same 5 questions. We are so excited to profile these amazing families and hope their portraits and stories bring beauty and hope to many. Please share widely. We will post our first family's story this Friday on the Project Heirloom website:
Thank you!
Hi. This is my new website.
Thanks for visiting. I'll post occasional news, ideas, writing, events, and pictures here. Click on the menu links above to learn more about me and my work.